2024 Performer / Presenter Application

Thank you for your interest in performing and/or presenting a workshop at the Corvallis Celtic Festival. We are looking for Celtic-themed performances, presentations and workshops that can include instrumental, vocal, dance, storytelling or educational topics. Performances will be on Saturday, July 27 (9 am-7 pm) and Sunday, July 28 (10 am-5 pm) in Central Park (Main Stage) and in nearby smaller venues (indoors). Workshops and sessions will be held during the same hours in the smaller venues; some sessions may be scheduled after hours at downtown pubs and restaurants. All performers and presenters will be compensated. For more information email performers@corvalliscelticfestival.org. The deadline for applications is March 15. Applicants will be notified by April 15.

Workshop leaders

Session leaders

Contact Information

Performer/Group Photo

Please upload a photo of you or your group for publicity.